The MagicLifestyle DreamCatcher Plan
Three Simple Steps To Achieve Any Goal in Life.
Find out why most people never achieve their goals and what you can do to achieve yours!
Most of us are not passionate,committed or confident about our goals. In fact, many of us have lots of wishes but few goals. Is it any wonder that they feel stuck and unfulfilled?
How about you?
Do you have a goal you are passionate about?
Are you committed to making it a reality?
Do you believe that you can achieve it?
If you didn't say "Yes!" to each of these questions, you may not be doing what it takes to achieve your goal. Like many people in the same position, you may find yourself giving up when the going gets tough, even quitting too soon. How do you feel after you quit?
Not achieving your goals may not be your fault.
And here’s the why.
You Don't Want It Enough.
A burning desire for what we want is essential for effective goal achievement. Yet all too often we don't get fired up enough to do what it takes to achieve our goals.
The One Reason Why Most Goal Programs fail.
Most goal programs start with something like,
“Write down what you want.”
Unfortunately, that is the wrong instruction because most people don’t know what they really want. So they write down meaningless goals that conform to their social programming; the lifestyle, clothes, cars and houses of their peers.
Trying to keep ahead of the Joneses instead of aiming to be happy.
Does that sound familiar?
These 'normal' goals can excite us for a few days but the work and obstacles usually quench our enthusiasm! They do not have the power to inspire us enough to persist until we achieve the goal. We feel like failures when we run out of steam.
We are not failures! We simply set the wrong goals. We didn’t find a goal with enough inspirational fire to ignite a burning desire.
DreamCatcher is Different.
DreamCatcher starts by helping you to "Find Your Fire", that nuclear power station in your chest. Find it and you will become unstoppable.
Find Your Fire And You Will Find Your Power!
DreamCatcher offers you a goal framework based on three simple steps; Idealise, Visualise and Materialise.
Take the steps and you will achieve your goal. It's that simple.
Idealise is where you Find Your Fire, where you find out what you really, really want.
When you Find Your Fire, it will light up your life. You will get a vision that inspires you from the moment you wake up to the moment you go to sleep.
You will become passionate, committed and confident about achieving your goals and the process will become easy no matter how rough the road or how big the obstacles.
When the Why is big enough, the How is easy.
Idealise gives you the vision to see far into the future.
Idealise gives you X-ray vision to see through obstacles
Idealise gives you the power to do what it takes to achieve your goals.
Idealise gives you your purpose, your major WHY.
By the time you complete Idealise, you will be unstoppable. That’s a promise.
Only when you 'Find Your Fire', will you be ready to answer the question with passion and confidence,
“What exactly do you want to achieve?”
Only then can you move forward with the unstoppable power to turn your goals into reality.
Find Your Fire Today!
If it is time to stop living a life of quiet desperation, then it's time start imagining your dream lifestyle.
It's time to Idealise.
Course Curriculum
What recent clients have said about my support.
Shaun helped me put a system in place for my business which made a huge difference to productivity and I am so grateful that he enabled me to achieve an important milestone, and more importantly bonus income. He is generous with his time and knowledge and I highly recommend his services. (Jane, Marketer in Cape Town)
Shaun has an incredible wealth of knowledge and intuition to assist small business owners. During the strategy sessions with him he very quickly analyzed my business and was able to propose a highly efficient fix to my issues. This led to the development of yet another business idea. Shaun is an extremely valuable business mentor with high integrity. He truly cares about improving people's lives. Working with him has made such a big difference in my life, which I am so grateful for. (Gisela, Travel Planner in Cape Town)
Your Instructor
For most of my life I have been an activist of one form or another; always trying to make the wold a better place. Training and coaching have played an integral part in my work.
Back in the 1980's when I became a regional training manager for a large corporate, I was often frustrated by the poor results most training delivered. As they say in the industry, "only about 10% sticks". That wasn't good enough for me.
The purpose of training is personal transformation, personal improvement, personal empowerment.
I created a personal mantra, "Teach - Inspire - Empower" , that has become a touchstone in my work. Here is my simple formula;
- Information + Application = Education
- Information - Application = Entertainment.
Knowledge is power, when applied.
Why I created the DreamCatcher Plan
In the 1980's I was the regional training manager for a large corporate in South Africa. I had a wonderful opportunity to see the impact of various training programs in our organisation.
Managing training for hundreds of people was a wonderful learning opportunity for me too.
The biggest lesson from that time was this,
People Are Unique
In short, we learn and act in different ways.
For example, As much as I love Paul J Meyer's Million Dollar Personal Success Plan, the format of the training is not a good fit for me.So I kept the plan but ditched the training.
One day in 2007, while looking at the Million Dollar Personal Success Plan on my wall, I decided to create my own one-page goal plan .... with an important difference. I wanted to create a framework, a skeleton, and not a one-size-fits-all training program.
I wanted to create a really simple goal-setting framework that anyone can use by simply adding the resources that work for them. If you can get the basics right, the rest should be easy.
You see, we may be unique individuals but at one level, our skeletons, we are the same. Our uniqueness defined by what goes around the skeleton.
Here was the first result.
I hope you find it helpful. Enjoy.